Thursday, September 3, 2020

Learner Analysis Essay

Foundation Summary Flight nurse’s and Flight Paramedics proceed as individuals from an aeromedical team on helicopters (rotor wing), and planes (fixed wing) airplane, accommodating in-flight the board and care for different types and periods of patients. Duties of this activity incorporate the arranging and arrangement of each flight, to incorporate such things as; wellbeing, assessment of an individual patient’s in-flight needs and solicitation of suitable drugs, supplies, and hardware to give proceeding with care from beginning to the goal office. They go about as contacts between offices during an interfacility transport and from scene area to injury focus during clinical and injury related crises. They likewise start crisis treatment without a doctor during in-flight health related crises. Flight attendants and flight paramedics have preparing in mechanical ventilation, hemodynamic help, vasoactive prescriptions, aviation route, and other serious consideration aptitudes. Most air clinical organizations anticipate that attendants should have in any event 2 to 5 years of involvement with crisis or basic consideration units, and the more injury experience, the better ( This implies medical attendants that have a demonstrated capacity to deal with various patients with boundlessly various conditions, just as having the option to settle on split-second choices about patient consideration with greatest regard for tolerant consideration and security. Flight paramedics are required to have at least three years current experience as a paramedic on a propelled life bolster group and additionally basic consideration transport group. Both of these jobs may need to keep an eye on numerous basic cases at the same time, so it is significant that the person have what it takes to adapt to high pressure circumstances. Despite the fact that those employed into the job of a flight medical caretaker and flight paramedic come into the job with a c enter foundation in basic consideration and expected degree of standard knowledge,â higher level of independent basic reasoning and quick dynamic is another ability experienced for some coming into this job. An all around organized preparing program is a fundamental piece of establishing a solid framework to construct the vital information base expected to guarantee both a flight medical attendant and flight paramedic are set up to act in their job as a team boss. Roughly six years prior a very much organized group head preparing program was set up that took into account steady and organized discovering that permitted all team part 2 (CM2) to get the essential abilities and information expected to hold a place of team boss. These modules secured territories of route, correspondences, wellbeing, flight, basic reasoning; and fused understanding material, functional activities, tests and tests which the CM2 worked through in a methodical procedure. Toward the finish of the preparation module; the group part at that point experienced an inquiry answer board (QAB) process. In the QAB, the group part was posed a progression of inquiries by a board comprising of a team boss, clinical chief, pil ot, clinical executive and given different situations. On the off chance that the QAB was finished effectively the CM2, at that point progressed to status of a team boss. Present status of Problem As of now an organized preparing program that guarantees all flight attendants and flight paramedics get this gauge level of information that is anticipated from those in the group boss job doesn't exist. The current practice is the suspicion that all CM2’s acquire the aptitudes and information important by arriving at their seventy fifth patient vehicle. This preparation plan doesn't take into account the organized conveyance of expected aptitudes and information nor does it take into consideration a gauge competency to be exhibited before being elevated from CM2 to team boss. The current procedure was instituted to fulfill the expanded need for staffing experience by the organization during a fast development period where eight bases transformed into sixteen out of four years. This current procedure set up right now allowed for fast smoothed out preparing of new staff; however it neglected to consider quality over amount. This new procedure has come about in CM2’s bei ng elevated to the degree of a group boss without the fundamental information that is anticipated from this job as dictated by the administration. Objective State All group individuals at CM2 status experience an organized team head preparing program. This preparation will take into consideration the conveyance of reliable, all around organized important abilities and information. An all around organized preparing project will guarantee that all flight group who acquire team boss status will have gotten a similar base of information and will have all shown a similar degree of wanted fitness. Student Analysis Segment Information The instructional setting is basically hands on preparing; data increased through the live patient consideration transport condition by means of ground, rotor or fixed wing airplane. Medical attendants and paramedics fill in as accomplices in understanding vehicle. This group arrangement can be two medical attendants, or one medical caretaker and one paramedic; however consistently one colleague must be an attendant. The third individual at the base is the pilot in order, who doesn't give any patient consideration yet does and can aid flight and security preparing. These groups are on move; positioned at their relegated base for a 24 hour timeframe; where preparing through recreations, perusing, and conversations will happen during non-tolerant vehicle times. There are 16 bases in the organization; situated in California, Texas and Oregon. There are 8 full time clinical team appointed to each base and an extra 2-3 low maintenance staff at each base. Time of paramedics and medical attendants territory from 27-61. English is local language spoken by all clinical group individuals. Instructive levels notwithstanding holding a certify paramedic permit or enrolled nurture permit are going from partner qualification to doctorate. Every single Registered medical attendant in the limit have gotten particular preparing in basic consideration, injury and hold specific declarations in these regions. All paramedics in this limit have likewise acquired extra basic consideration related preparing and declarations. Both the medical attendants and the paramedics accepting the team head preparing have been utilized with this organization in the flight job for at least 1 year and have gotten the CM2 status. The substance territory is centered around five regions; to incorporate avionics, security, correspondences, route, and basic reasoning. All clinical team have acquired the fundamental degree of preparing in these regions have been considered CM2 which puts them at â€Å"novice† status which esteems them equipped to securely finish understanding vehicles. The team boss degree of preparing is planned for carrying crewâ members from fledgling to master level. Earlier Knowledge Earlier information on all who will get the group head preparing are the individuals who are at the current CM2 level. They have been working in the limit as flight medical caretakers or flight paramedics at this organization for at least 1 year and have been on in any event 75 patient vehicles. 25% of the complete team individuals have related knowledge functioning as Flight Nurses or Flight Paramedics at another organization; 10% of the flight paramedics have earlier flight group understanding through the military before resulting in these present circumstances organization. Those team individuals who accomplished group boss status per the current model will be given a standard composed appraisal and experience a team boss QAB. The individuals who pass these two things will stay at the status of group boss; and the individuals who don't pass these evaluations will finish a scaffold team head preparing program, concentrating on those territories of the preparation they didn't go dur ing their appraisals. A composed appraisal and QAB will be rehashed at the finish of the extension preparing. All group individuals reviewed have positive criticism with respect to this proposed procedure. Passage Skills Required Passage level abilities required to the group head preparing is to be a CM2 and to have effectively passed the CM2 addresses answer board. Fruitful fulfillment of CM2 preparing shows effective destinations finished as expressed in the CM2 preparing. Notwithstanding CM2 status; all team individuals more likely than not acquired a national confirmation. National accreditations the medical caretakers may get are basic consideration enrolled nurture (CCRN), care flight basic attendant (CFRN), or confirmed crisis nurture (CEN). These are each a 100-150 inquiries tests that are booked to be taken at autonomous test places as controlled by the ensuring organizations. The CM2 should likewise be on favorable terms with the organization; which means no disciplinary activities in the team individuals individual document in the past a half year. Perspectives and Motivation Most of the flight medical attendants and flight paramedics are extremely determined; extraordinary individuals with a high want to acquire the group boss status. Essential inspiration originates from the longing to get the title status of â€Å"crew chief† and the expanded compensation pace of 5% every hour. Optional inspiration is the drive that originates from inside inspiration to accomplish extra preparing toâ reach master level information in this field. Current perspectives towards preparing are sure with an overwhelmingly expressed want to have a progressively organized preparing program; with better expectations and meticulousness expected to turn into a team boss. In light of the yearly worker overview; one of the markers as expressed by representatives to improve resolve is for a progressively organized and thorough team head preparing program. Remarkable Characteristics and Learning Styles The greater part (70%) of the students portrayed themselves as learning best through â€Å"doing.† Those who expressed they learn better through hands-on and learning state perusing, watching or hearing the learning material is useful on the off chance that they can, at that point have extra hands-on preparing through reproductions or live at work situational encounters. Another 40% of students said they didn't know how they learned best; yet felt approaching the material recorded as a hard copy

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Graph Databases Make a Better Home for Interconnected Data Than the Relational Databases

Why Graph Databases Make a Better Home for Interconnected Data Than the Relational Databases? With the headways in registering innovations and the expanding preparing intensity of machines, the need to shoehorn information into predefined structures is in effect step by step supplanted by the capacity to construct models that can suit the natural development and advancing nature of data.Systems become increasingly more complex in speaking to our untidy world and the interconnections we live by in it. The more extravagant our databases show signs of improvement (progressively expressive) the associations of the information things in them, the more profound our examination and the greater our capability to comprehend, oversee and make procedures to move our business forward.That stated, having the best home for your information is an unquestionable requirement. It is to be where information things live respectively as well as are comprehended and utilized in like manner for bits of knowledge into the connections they exist in. Connections communicated with tables, bunches of tables: Relational DatabasesFor numerous years social databases have been the predominant database decision for information stockpiling and recovery. The social model stores information in tables, with lines speaking to occasions of elements and sections speaking to the qualities ascribed to each entity.For model, on the off chance that you need to communicate that Fred, Wilma and Pebbles Flintstone, along with the infamous Bamm-Bamm Rubble are occurrences of the substance Person and live in the example of City Bedrock, you can do that with the accompanying table, where you will depict these connections: As things change with time, and the number and the assortment of connections develop, you will require extra tables. For the recently happened connections to be communicated, you will make increasingly more tables.In social databases, references (i.e., associations) with different columns and tables are made with the assistance of the supposed JOINs. This implies so as to interface a substance starting with one table then onto the next, you make a third table, which coordinates the records from both tables.For occurrence, so as to communicate that Pebbles Flintstone became Bamm-Bamm’s spouse, another table must be made. This will be an intersection table, speaking to Bamm-Bamm (Person.014) as an occurrence of the element Husband and Pebbles (Person.013) as an example of the substance Wife. Some other connections you should add would should be unequivocally portrayed in a table, which alludes to the principal table you’ve made. That is, on the off chance that you need to likewise communicate that Fred (Person.011) and Wilma (Person.012) are Pebble’s (Person.013) guardians, you should do that with one more JOIN where Fred and Wilma are cases of the substance Parent and Pebbles is an occurrence of the element Child: It is just with all these extra, unequivocally communicated connections that you will have the option to utilize the information above to discover the appropriate response of progressively complex questions, for example, In which city does the offspring of Fred live? or then again Who is Bamm-Bamm’s spouse or Where does the dad of Bamm-Bamm’s wife live?.Needless to state, such social portrayals are appropriate for straightforward information models and associations that fit into a plain arrangement. They are entirely fine for budgetary records, inventories, arrangements of understudies, and so on. With regards to mapping complex systems of connections, however, the procedures of joining are regularly than not wasteful, tedious and PC power consuming.Interconnected information (the most clear model being the information from interpersonal organizations) are everything except for simple to tame with the above instrument of making increasingly more intersection tables and extra components to record the ever-expanding number of connections between information things. The social model ends up being excessively costly and asset devouring to communicate the wealth and the interconnectedness of exponentially developing in volume and assortment data.ThÐ µ gigantic measure of heterogeneous, various information that encompass us is to be moved toward differently.Relationships as ways of (machine) understanding: Graph DatabasesOutside the tables of the social databases, there lie ways that empower overseeing profoundly associated information, working with complex inquiries and having promptly accessible connections, without the need to communicate them explicitly.These are the ways of a diagram database.To speak to and store information, chart databases use chart structures (information charts). A chart is included interconnected hubs (i.e., things) and edges (i.e., connections between things). Edges are the means by which you can allocate properties to thin gs.Also, rather than making tables for every relationship independently, in a chart database you will simply include edges (connections) to comparing hubs (things). Therefore a node’s association, thus, is associated with the various associations of this equivalent node.To return to our Flintstones model, all the tables that you’ve made for each connection between Fred, Wilma, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, would be communicated the accompanying route in a chart database: In this manner, when you associate Bamm-Bamm to Pebbles, you likewise interface Bamm-Bamm to all of Pebble’s associations Fred, Wilma and with their different associations city, for instance. The framework will certainly hold the data about where the dad of Bamm-Bamm’s spouse lives, without you tracking different joins and tables to recover it.Storing information in such a way gives the adaptability to speak to complex interconnected structures and to utilize the data they convey in the a lot less complex and viable way.When should you utilize a diagram database?There’s basically nothing you can do with chart databases that you can’t with social ones.That stated, let’s investigate how a chart database can assist you with accomplishing more with information. It could be said, with chart databases, information are permitted to naturally develop and effectively interface with an ever increasing number of things. Snap To TweetIt’s just normal to consider a chart database for complex information, with numerous associations, the example of which you need to track and think about. A chart database would easily join new heterogenous information and fill in as a system for putting away, overseeing and questioning exceptionally associated data.Graph databases are appropriate regardless when complex connections between individuals, places, occasions, and so on are to be communicated. Ordinary use cases go from overseeing clients and work force information, through putting away and utilizing shrewd substance, to back and speculation management.More explicit use of the diagram database model include:resource planningperformance analysisfraud detectioncompliance managementcontent and resource managementrecommendationsproduction managementbusin ess forms optimizationidentification of examples and insightsintegration of heterogeneous logical dataenterprise search and route optimizationThe eventual fate of information stockpiling and the board The capacity to pull information and associate them gives undertakings a critical edge with regards to the granular comprehension of nature they work in and the advancement of their key business forms. Snap To TweetThis capacity relies upon the nature of the models picked for information portrayal, stockpiling and recovery. The more precisely and proficiently the structure of a specific area is mapped, spoken to and interconnected, the greater the worth and the capability of the computerized information it makes every single day.Still, the choice to fabricate a home for every one of your information, conveniently arranged and named, related, interconnected and effectively accessible involves cost and advantage analysis.What is significant is to recognize the open door for information to be transformed into an asset, effortlessly got to and adequately utilized over the association. As a database can serve not just as a capacity cabinet for siloed files however ratherâ as a springboar d for information disclosure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Speak by Laurie Hale Anderson - Book Review

Talk by Laurie Hale Anderson - Book Review Talk by Laurie Halse Anderson is a numerous honor winning book, however it is additionally recorded by the American Library Association as one of the best 100 books tested between 2000-2009. Consistently a few books are tested and restricted the country over by people and associations who accept the substance of the books are unseemly. In this audit you will become familiar with the book Speak, the difficulties it has gotten, and what Laurie Halse Andersonâ and others need to state about the issue of oversight.  Speak: The Story  Melinda Sardino is a multi year old sophomore whose life is significantly and for all time changed the night she goes to a finish of summer party.  At the gathering Melinda is assaulted and calls the police, yet doesn’t get the chance to report the wrongdoing. Her companions, thinking she called to bust the gathering, evade her and she turns into an outsider. When lively, well known, and a decent understudy, Melinda has gotten pulled back and discouraged. She abstains from talking and doesn’t deal with her physical or psychological well-being. Every one of her evaluations begin to slide, aside from her Art evaluation, and she starts to characterize herself by little demonstrations of disobedience, for example, declining to give an oral report and playing hooky. In the interim, Melinda’s attacker, a more established understudy, inconspicuously insults her at each chance. Melinda doesn’t revealâ the subtleties of her experienceâ until one of her previous companions starts to date a similar kid who assaulted Melinda. While trying to caution her companion, Melinda composes an unknown letter and afterward goes up against the young lady and clarifies what truly occurred at the gathering. At first, the previous companion will not trust Melinda and blames her for desire, yet later says a final farewell to the kid. Melinda is stood up to by her rapistâ who blames her for wrecking his notoriety. He endeavors to attack Melinda once more, however this time she finds the ability to talk and shouts boisterously enough to be heard by different understudies who are close by.   Speak: The Controversy and the Censorship  Since its distribution discharge in 1999 Speak has been tested on its substance about assault, rape and self-destructive musings. In September of 2010 one Missouri teacher needed the book restricted from the Republic School District since he considered the two assault scenes â€Å"soft pornography.† His assault on the book evoked a media tempest of reactions remembering an announcement from the writer herself for which she protected her book. (Source: Laurie Halse Anderson’s Web webpage) The American Library Association recorded Speak as number 60 in the best one hundred books to be restricted or tested somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2009. Anderson knew when she composed this story that it would be a questionable point, however she is stunned at whatever point she finds out about a test toâ her book. She composes that Speak is about the enthusiastic injury endured by a high schooler after a rape and isn't delicate sex entertainment. (Source: Laurie Halse Andersons Web website) Notwithstanding Andersons resistance of her book, her distributing organization, Penguin Young Readers Group, set a full page promotion in the New York Times to help the writer and her book. Penguin spokeswoman Shanta Newlin expressed, That such an adorned book could be tested is disturbing. (Source: Publishers Weekly Web webpage)  Speak: Laurie Halse Anderson and Censorship  Anderson uncovers in numerous meetings that the thought for Speak went to her in a bad dream. In her bad dream a young lady is wailing, however Anderson didn't have the foggiest idea about the explanation until she began to compose. As she composed the voice of Melinda came to fruition andâ began to speak. Anderson felt constrained to reveal to Melindas story. With the accomplishment of her book (a National Award finalist and a Printz Honor Award) came the reaction of debate and control. Anderson was paralyzed, yet ended up in another situation to revolt against oversight. States Anderson, â€Å"Censoring books that manage troublesome, immature issues doesn't secure anyone. It leaves kids in the obscurity and makes them helpless. Restriction is the offspring of dread and the dad of obliviousness. Our youngsters can't bear to have reality of the world retained from them.† (Source: Banned Books Blog) Anderson dedicates a segment of her site to control issues and explicitly addresses the difficulties to her book Speak. She contends with regards to teaching others about rape and records alarming measurements about young ladies who have been assaulted. (Source: Laurie Halse Andersons Web Site) Anderson is effectively engaged with national gatherings that fight control and book forbidding, for example, the ABFFE (American Booksellers for Free Expression), the National Coalition Against Censorship, and the Freedom to Read Foundation.  Speak: My Recommendation  Talk is a novel about strengthening and it is a book that each youngster, particularly adolescent young ladies, should peruse. There is an opportunity to be tranquil and an opportunity to stand up, and on the issue of rape, a young lady needs to discover the fearlessness to speak more loudly and request help. This is the basic message of Speak and the message Laurie Halse Anderson is attempting to pass on to her perusers. It must be clarified that Melindas assault scene is a flashback and there are no realistic subtleties, yet suggestions. The epic is centered around the passionate effect of the demonstration, and not simply the demonstration. By composing Speak and safeguarding its entitlement to voice an issue, Anderson has opened the entryway for other authorsâ to expound on genuine teenager issues. In addition to the fact that this books manage a contemporary high schooler issue, yet its a true proliferation of the adolescent voice. Anderson deftly catches the secondary school understanding and comprehends the youngster perspective on clubs and what it feels like to be a pariah. I thought about the age suggestions for quite a while on the grounds that this is such a significant book, that should be read. Its a ground-breaking book for conversation and 12 is an age when young ladies are changing genuinely and socially. In any case, I understand that as a result of the develop content, each multi year old may not be prepared for the book. Thus, I suggest it for a long time 14-18 and, also, for those 12 and multi year olds with the development to deal with the subject. The distributers suggested ages for this book is 12 and up. (Speak, 2006. ISBN: 9780142407325)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Incommunicable in Kate Chopins The Awakening - Literature Essay Samples

An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish. (Chopin, 28)The Awakening portrays a woman caught in the feminine role defined by her society. The real nature of Ednas problem is conveyed through different images and literary techniques rather than being directly mentioned. Although Edna’s inability to communicate her problem is rendered on both the story and discourse levels, on the story level this issue is limited to Edna’s inability to make sense of her suffering and communicate it to other characters. On the discourse level, however, Edna’s situation is conveyed through imagery and high symbolism rather than directly discussed. Edna is caught between the conventional and the unconventional, between what society expects her to be and what she shouldnt be: at the very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life—that outward existence which c onforms, the inward life which questions (35). This characteristic of Edna is highlighted through some recurrent images or is symbolically conveyed in some of her relationships with the other characters of the novel.The image of the unmarried young lovers followed by the lady in black who often carries a prayer book (37, 42, 54, 55) can be regarded as one of the elements of the setting of the story that can be linked to Ednas inner contradictions concerning the social values and the individual values. Apart from the fact that the lovers can stand for social unconventionality and the lady in black for religious morality, it is interesting to note that the couple is always followed by the lady. The lovers can be regarded as the temptations of life, something that the lady in black consciously avoids but unconsciously adores. Another instance of Ednas oscillation between the conventional and the unconventional can be traced in her loving relationship with both Madame Ratignolle and Mad emoiselle Reisz. The former is portrayed as the embodiment of what a woman should be according to the criteria of the patriarchal society and the latter as the isolated, socially rejected woman artist. Although over the course of the novel Edna is more inclined to lead Mademoiselle Reiszs life rather than that of Adeles, the ending of the novel points out her rejection of the both. Ednas inner conflict is also depicted in several of her reactions to her companions in the novel. In seems that in her thought process she has to think twice to adjust her real inner thoughts and emotions to the conventions of the real outward world. In the course of the novel and during the process of her awakening, she grows less and less successful in privileging her social role to her inner desires: wishing to go to the beach with Robert, she should in the first place have declined, and in the second place have followed in obedience to one of the two contradictory impulses which impelled her (34). T hinking in Ednas opinion is referred to the process of adjusting her desires to the rules of the society. In several passages in the novel it is indicated what Edna is in search of is thoughtlessness; thoughtlessness for Edna is a way to express herself, a way to regain her individuality and freedom. I will return to this issue in the section regarding the symbolic significance of the sea to discuss it in more details and with reference to the related textual passages.The Awakening opens up with the image of two birds, both kept in cages. Although in the first reading of the opening paragraphs of the novel the birds might only be detected as some minor elements of the setting of the story contributing to the construction of a summer abode in Grand Isle, in the course of the novel they come to assume a rather significant symbolic value. A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over:Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi! Thats all righ t!He could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking-bird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence. (22)The parrot can be associated with Edna, who faces a sort of failure in communicating her thoughts and emotions to the people around her. Ednas lack of the proper language to give voice to her feelings and thoughts is expressed several times in the text of the novel through the voice of the narrator, or in Ednas direct speeches: she went on crying there, but she could not have told why she was crying (27), a thousand emotions have swept through me to-night. I dont comprehend half of them. (50), she had all her life long been accustomed to harbor thoughts and emotions which never voiced themselves (75). If the association of Edna with the parrot could be taken as credible, then it is interesting to note that even the comprehensible words it utters—Go a way! Go away! For Gods sake! (footnote, 22)—do not convey much to the listener; the utterance conveys the speakers agitation without referring to its source or cause. Another interesting point concerning the above quote is the mocking-bird who seems to be the only one who can understand the language spoken by the parrot. The mocking bird whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence can stand for the character of Mademoiselle Reisz whose music (fluty notes) is much favored by Edna. In the course of the novel, she seems to be the only person who develops a comprehension of Edna and her enigmatic situation rephrasing it in another bird imagery: The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth (106).The birds having been hung outside the door are portrayed as social outcasts who can be simply rejected and isolated due to certain conventions of the society, Mr. Pontellier for instance, can have the privilege of quitting their society when they cease to be entertaining(22). A more concrete example of this issue occurs at the Saturday night party thrown in Madam Lebruns place where in the middle of the performance of the Farival twins, who are clad in virgin colors, blue and white, having been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin at their baptism, the parrot from outside the door shrieks Allez vous-en! Sapristi![The parrot] was the only being present who possessed sufficient candor to admit that he was not listening to these gracious performances for the first time that summer. Old Monsieur Farival, grandfather of the twins, grew indignant over the interruption and insisted upon having the bird removed and consigned to regions of darkness. (45) The juxtaposition of the image of the Blessed Virgin and the utterance of the disgusted parrot highlights Ednas dissatisfaction with the religious and social co nventions. At the same time, Monsieur Farivals verdict concerning the interruption of the parrot underlines the fallen social status of a woman like Edna, if she decides to move against the stream of the established rules of the patriarchal society.The auditory image of the owl is another image that reflects Ednas sorrows and isolation. Edna after the reproachful argument with Mr. Pontellier sits alone on the porch listening to the hooting of an owl in the top of a water oak which broke like a mournful lullaby upon the night (27). The bird imagery has also been used to characterize the women who have been able to well adjust themselves to the role society expects them to perform. These women are not portrayed as parrots or mocking birds confined in cages hung outside of the doors, instead they are mother-women: fluttering about with extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious brood. They were women who idolized their children, worshiped the ir husband, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels. (29) The depiction of the mother-women as beautiful, free angels reflects the patriarchal societys approval of their conducts. The sea, for Edna Pontellier, is a symbol of individualism and freedom in expressing herself. The image of the sea reminding Edna of her running experience in the green meadows in Kentucky in her childhood is associated with thoughtlessness. In the Creole society of Grand Isle, Edna is provoked to search for self expression and an absence of prudency(31), the characteristics for which she lacks the necessary courage. Not only the visual image of the sea but even the olfactory and auditory images of the Gulf are inspirational to Edna; the sea possesses a seductive odor (33) and its sonorous murmur reaches Edna like a loving but imperative entreaty (34). The connection between the sea and the green meadow of Ednas childhood is revealed in E dnas talk with Adele when Edna tries to explore the chain of her own thoughts:I can trace—of a summer in Kentucky, of a meadow which seemed as big as an ocean to the very little girl walking through the grass, which was higher than her waist. She threw out her arms as if swimming when she walked, beating the tall grass as one strikes out in the water. (37)She goes on revealing her memories talking about a particular Sunday on which she was running away from the prayers, from the Presbyterian service, read in a spirit of gloom by [her] father (38). Ednas startled answer to the question posed by Adele regarding the fact if Edna has been running away from the prayers ever since underlies the function of thinking for Edna: No! oh, no! [†¦] I was a little unthinking child in those days, just following a misleading impulse without question (38, my italics). As indicated earlier, thinking for Edna is an act of adjusting her inner desires to the social conventions ever since her childhood; thinking, in this particular sense, is a strategy to be established as an adult woman. However on this particular summer in Grand Isle she feels as if she were walking through the green meadow again; idly, aimlessly, unthinking and unguided (38, my italics). Edna, referring to her experience in the green meadows, talks about her urge to walk on forever, without coming to the end of it (38). This urge for absolute, unlimited freedom and self expression reappears on the night when she discovers that she is able to swim: as she swam she seemed to be reaching out for the unlimited in which to lose herself (49). In the last paragraph of the novel, the connection between her childhood memories and the sea is once again established. Through the voices of her father, her sister, their chained dog, and the spurs of the cavalry officer (139), she swims towards eternal, unlimited freedom, as a way to regain her individualism.Throughout The Awakening, the reader is confronted with Edna Pontelliers futile endeavor to give voice to her incommunicable enigma. Although a direct explanation of Ednas problem is never mentioned in the novel, the nature of her inner conflict is portrayed in the rich imagery and symbolism of the novel. Among the various symbolic images of The Awakening, I decided to limit myself to the images which accentuate Edna Pontelliers inner conflict, the recurrent bird imagery and the symbolic significance of the sea as some of the significant issues reflected in the novel concerning Ednas entanglement in the confining patriarchal society she inhabits. Works Cited:Kate Chopin. The Awakening. Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical, Historical, and Cultural Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Contemporary Critical Perspectives. 2nd. ed. Ed.Nancy A. Walker. Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin, 2000.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The World War II Era - 1212 Words

It is striking how much our world has changed in the last 75 years; our technology as well as our knowledge has advanced by leaps and bounds. The World War II era was a time of rampant progression for America on many levels. Women entered the workforce out of necessity, and as a result women became a driving force in the economy: they made money, and they spent it. Marketing agencies understood this and they began tailoring their advertisements toward women. When war broke out and we began shipping our men off to battle, marketing agencies used the American people’s sympathies toward our soldiers to sell more products. With the limited knowledge about the products they were selling, advertisements from this era focused more on how the item made them â€Å"cool†, how it was â€Å"good for you†, and how it was the better than the rest – all without truly understanding the product, or the long – term effects it might create. Modern advertising has chan ged dramatically, with the advancement of so many fields; we have more information about the products that are being sold, and there are many more regulations about truth in advertising. It’s a completely different playing field for marketing firms today, they have to employ far more creativity to hook an audience and get their message across than our counterparts in the WWII era. Advertising has a powerful role in shaping the culture of a nation, and has the power to change self-perception. Cigarette advertisements are one of the bestShow MoreRelatedThe World War II Era1410 Words   |  6 PagesThe ideology that a specific religious, political, or ethnic group is superior to others, a key trait of totalitarianism, played a role in World War II-era atrocities such as the pogroms against the Jewish community in Germany, the killing of dissidents in the USSR, and the brutal treatment and massacres of the Chinese by the Japanese army. 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Formal Memo - Generic competencies with References

Question: Discuss that the issue of customer dissatisfaction is a serious issue or not. Answer: The issue of customer dissatisfaction is a serious issue for One Pound Emporium and it must be dealt with seriously. It is recommended that the training needs of employees should be meet. At the same time, it is also important that employees involvement must be high in the training and development programs. The organization would have to make continuous efforts to update the training framework to make it applicable through time spam. This continuous update is particularly necessary due to the fact that the business environment is not stagnant and to maintain competitive advantage. This focus on the past competencies to measure the current (or present) competencies is like Pilbeam and Corbridge (2010) stated, generalizes and assumes that it would always be applicable. The competency framework for One Pound Emporium should be based on three key principles. These are: People who demonstrate integrity, respect and teaming People with energy, enthusiasm and courage to lead People who build relationships based on doing the right thing It is also important to mention that the training needs of different employees would vary. For example the training need of store manager may not be the same as the training need of customer facing staff (Clardy, 2008). The specific and generic competencies required for workforce can be discussed as: Specific competencies: Store Manager and first line supervisors It is important that manager and supervisor should focus on management and leadership competencies. The specific competencies for store manager and first line supervisors would revolve around social interactions with employees and store staff that has to face customer. Social interaction is what makes good leaders, delight customers and it brings cohesion in a work environment. It includes effective communication, persuasion, active listening, collaborating with others, conflict resolution, friendliness and generally influencing others. Social interaction can be measured through feedback surveys like 360-degree feedback, customer satisfaction surveys or peer reviews among others (Graf, 2007). It can be said that the competency framework for store manager and supervisors should help them to develop a culture where they can create a system of check and balances for store staff. Some of the specific competencies for store managers and supervisors would be: Trusted and respect by peers and management. Recognized as capable to stand-in as delegate supervisor. Positively represents his store staff and cultivates cross learning opportunities from other stores and teams. Develops network of relevant contacts. Recognized as a coaching lead Generic competencies: Customer facing store staff The competency for store staff should focus on absolute customer satisfaction. It is important that the store staff should be able to put the customer needs as the top priority (Anderson, 2004). It can happen only when support staff can find a match between their personal goals and objectives and organizational goals and objectives (Dysvik, 2010). The ethical component of competency would also ensure that managers would develop the policies and strategies that follow the ethical code of conduct as defined by the organization. The UK private sector is very competitive and One Pound Emporium must develop a strong competency framework that could satisfy the training and development needs of its employees. Competencies are intangible assets and like most intangible things difficult or near impossible to quantify/measure. However monitoring and analyzing the causal relationship between competence and performance could provide a view to assessing the impact of competence (Ramachandran, 2011). Given the agility and sometimes volatility of markets, organizations use of certain qualities such as creativity and social interaction are also vital for attracting and retaining customer loyalty, so such qualities have transcending functions and benefits for the organization. There exist various fundamental differences between the culture and nature of business of the private organizations and the public organizations in UK. Beyond doubt public sector HR has lacked credibility and is generally regarded as weak. The reasons of which are poor governance, high corruption rates, political interference, lack of accountability and lack of healthy competition etc. Mostly hit by this are the less developed countries which battle with political crisis and economic instability, especially where there is no drive towards improving the organizations performance (Guest, 2014). However, this trend is changing, as the market is more competitive; agencies are now held accountable for their activities, encouraging autonomy and decreasing external influence. Once the focus of these public bodies become performance-oriented, HR practices will also adjust to provide adequate/competent staffing, incentives to motivate employees and training so that employees are better equipp ed to deliver. It can be said that implementing competency framework in private organization is relatively easy because employee at private organization are responsive and understand the reasons for specific action, training or measurement. Dr. Bach (2001) in his paper HR and new approaches to public sector management indicated that most government are mainly concerned with macro-economic issues, particularly the size of the workforce instead of the micro-level focus of contemporary HR practice which concentrates on the motivation and performance of the workforce. Today it is becoming ever more routine for organizations to place more value on their employees, as such the use of Competency-Based Management is even being adopted in large public service organizations. Bonder et. al., (2011) perused their work on competency-based management in the UK public sector. As with private organizations, maximizing productivity and effectively managing employees is just as important. The organizations in UK pub lic sector are able to integrate competency modeling and job analysis and successfully implement a competency framework. The core of the framework is centered on employee competencies at every job level. It is important for the business and service economics in UK should focus to develop a dynamic and flexible competency framework that could help managers and leaders to bring the best from their employees. To understand what is expected from employee, it is useful to read the job description, yet more interesting to understand the differences between skills and competencies for the best useon the job (Torrington, 2011). It is important that business and service organizations should keep their employees motivated and updated. The corporations in UK must realize that skills required to complete the job may never be constant. Therefore, it is important that employers should develop a culture where employees can work to update their skills. The presence of competency framework would help UK corporations to develop a feeling of self-belongingness among employees. Finally, managers must see the potential of setting new competencies in addition to workable past competencies. The wisdom behi nd the new competencies for the future is a benefit to organizations. The two lifelong learning and training initiatives can be discussed as: Training initiative to satisfy the customer needs: It would be correct to say that one of the most basic yet important training need for employees is to satisfy the needs of customers. There must be a training initiative to satisfy the needs of customers, as the needs of customers are not constant (Armstrong, 2009). Therefore, the employees must be trained to understand the needs of customers and work accordingly. Training to develop job specific skills and capabilities: Competencies are more subjective than objective, implying a variation with respect to shifts in the business as these shift drives the workforce and hence HR. Competencies include all knowledge, skills, capabilities embedded in the organization structure, technology etc. The size of the firm, its position on technology, strategy/structure, management and competition will influence HR competence as it continues modify itself, adjusting to reflect current objective of the firm. As Jerald (2009) wrote, the skills that are to be considered important in the current century is being shaped by many trends and IT that is part of the automation trend takes a central role. Furthermore, he mentioned due to automation computers and computer-driven machineries displaced humans, and computers can now perform many work-related thinking jobs that were only done by human beings before. It is also important that employees should be considered as first line of customers. Encouraging that employees are regarded as customers, promotes a customer driven philosophy and in this case customer driven framework, that ensures the achievement of the organizations goal. The government of UK would have a key role to play as it would the governments responsibility to ensure that a system of check and balances could be created. It is also important that the corporations in UK should work as per the laws and policies of UK government. It would help the organizations like One Pound Emporiu m to achieve its goals and objectives. References Anderson, E. W., Fornell, C. Mazvancheryl, S. K. (2004) 'Customer Satisfaction and Shareholder Value',Journal of Marketing, 68, October, pp. 172-185. Armstrong, M. (2009), A Handbook of Human Resource Practice Management, 11th ed. Kogan Page Bonder, A, Bouchard, C, Bellemare, G 2011, "Competency-Based Management-An Integrated Approach to Human Resource Management in the UK Public Sector",Public Personnel Management,40(1), pp. 1-10, education Research Clardy, A 2008, " The strategic role of Human Resource Develpment in managing core competencie",Human Resource Development International,11(2), pp. 183-197 Dr. Bach, S. (2001)HR and new approaches to public sector management: improving HRM capacity, World Health Org. Geneva, Switzerland [accessed on the 05thFebruary, 2016 Graf, A 2007,"Changing roles of customers: consequences for HRM",International Journal of ServiceIndustry Management, 18(5), pp. 491-509 Jerald, C.D. (2009)Defining a 21stcentury education. Available at: 05 February 2015). Kuvaas, B. Dysvik, A. (2010) 'Does best practice HRM only work for intrinsically motivated employees?',International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 21 (13), pp. 2339-2357 Pilbeam, S. Corbridge, M. (2010)People resourcing and talent planning: HRM in practice. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall International. Ramachandran, R. (2011) 'Professional competence and statistical integrity challenges faced in the small area estimation: A public policy tool development perspective',Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 27, pp. 39-47. Torrington, D., Taylor, S. And Hall, L. (2011), Human Resource Management, 8th ed. FT/Prentice Hall Woodrow, C., Guest, D. E. (2014). When good HR gets bad results: exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying.Human Resource Management Journal,24(1), 38-56.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Extended Essay Topics: Microeconomics

Extended Essay Topics: MicroeconomicsExtended Essay Topics is usually very broad and subject to be quite broad. You can find that it includes all kinds of topics and subjects including businesses, careers, politics, race, gender, and so forth. Obviously, when it comes to a business study application, you will likely find a lot of extended essay topics on entrepreneurship, so the microeconomics of this topic can be quite overwhelming.Microeconomics, as the name implies, is all about the small things. These are the things that make a person's life that bit better or worse in some way. The ability to relate to this concept of microeconomics is not difficult. It may actually surprise you how often people find that they are quite lost when it comes to what exactly is meant by microeconomics.When you go through the microeconomics section of an extended essay topics, you may find that there are more words that have been devoted to economic terms than normal. It is important to know that the se are the rules and laws governing commerce in a given country.Microeconomics will not only deal with the economy, but also what happens when you change the economy. This is the importance of microeconomics. When it comes to business practices and ethics, there is a connection between microeconomics and ethics.Of course, there is plenty of other information that can be included in a microeconomics essay that can help you earn your degree in extended essay topics. For example, you can also include topics like public policy and the political economy of business.In terms of public policy, you can write about the role that microeconomics has in government planning. If you choose to write about politics, you can take your argument to the next level by adding microeconomics. For example, you can explain why certain activities have been suppressed because of the impact on macroeconomics.Another aspect of microeconomics is the law. Many times, people do not realize that microeconomics is n ot only based on how a society behaves, but also how a society acts under the influence of external events.Finally, when you look at the extended essay topics for microeconomics, you will find that it includes topics that deal with human nature. Here, you can learn how to understand human beings so that you can create successful businesses.